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About us

More than just developers

We want to actively design the technical development of the chemicals, plastic, pharmaceutical and agricultural retail industries because we love technology.

Our identity as a strong and innovative partner for our customers today and tomorrow defines our daily work. The basis for this is our employees’ high awareness of responsibility, trust and design capabilities.

In order to live out and embody this identity, we work with people who actively contribute their ideas and wishes, therefore implementing the requirements and wishes of our customers in both a future- and client-led manner. For we are more than just developers: we are consultants, designers and project managers.

Innovative IT systems

We advise our customers with individual customised developments and focus on cross-company networking and data security. We always focus on our customers' request: user-friendly, future-oriented and secure IT systems.

We ensure that your investment achieves the greatest possible benefits, even in the long term. We are already developing tomorrow’s markets today. Careful and well-founded advice comes ahead of any successful implementation of a new system. Together with our customers, we develop individual and future-oriented objectives while also ensuring reliable and sustainable implementation.

Our range of services is precisely matched to the needs of our medium-sized customers and subject to strict security guidelines. Our well-trained and specialised employees have comprehensive knowledge of the processes and business requirements of the chemicals, plastics, pharmaceutical and agricultural retail industries.